Thursday, 27 December 2012

唐人焦糖炖蛋 Chinese Creme Caramel

唐人焦糖炖蛋 aka Chinese Creme Caramel 
A tasty, smooth and mild sweetness Chinese dessert made from the simplest ingredient.There is great demand in Hong Kong but not Malaysia. This is why it's quite hard getting in Malaysia food store unless you are in states that have majority of Chinese population such as Ipoh.

But, you can always DIY at home.
Get ingredients needed in a grocery store nearby and enjoy without paying expensive bill! I believe some of you might confuse between Chinese Creme Caramel & French Creme Brulee. Well, there are really little difference between Chinese Creme Caramel Vs. French Creme Brulee. 

Chinese Creme Caramel that we are making is without using creme while french creme brulee include thick creme in its “brulee” (french) = pudding. Besides, most of caramel used in Chinese Creme are not burned. 

Pictures bellow shows differences between Chinese Creme Caramel (above) Vs French Creme Brulee (bellow). See the difference? =)

Let's begin:

The body
500 ml Fresh Milk
80 g Castor Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla essence 
5 large eggs
some butter apply on the cups 

The Top
100 gram of sugar
3 tsp of hot water

  • Star with the body. Pour milk & castor sugar into a pan and put under low heat until you see small bubbles appear at side of the pan.

  • Turn off the heat and stir a little of milk sugar mixture.Then pour vanilla essence into it, stir until combine. Put aside and let it cold
  • Prepare a wok with tap water and place a steel tray above the water for pot-roasting later. Turn high heat until boil and turn into low heat when it's boiled . Remember to place a little tap water (around 200 ml) onto the tray.   

  • In another bowl, prepare 5 eggs and beat until fluffy

  • Add  cooked milk-sugar mixture into the fluffy eggs little by little to avoid from eggs being cooked! Stir at the same time.

  • Filter 3 times eggs-milk mixture slowly by using a wire mesh to filter out unnecessary bubbles.
  • Prepare your desire cups and apply little butter around the inner wall.

  • Caramel making. Pour castor sugar and water into a pot with low heat. Cooked until sugar dissolve and turn brown colour. Keep turning in circular motion for the whole process. Do not use anything to stir the sugar! 
  • When sugar dissolvent starts turning into light brown, switch off heat . 
  • Pour a little caramel into each cup. Turn each cup in circular motion to make sure caramel fully stick against the bottom inner wall.

  • Pour in egg-milk mixture into each cup and cover with aluminium foil.

  • Locate each cup neatly onto the steel tray prepared in the wok earlier. Cover wok and  cook low heat for 10 mins. 
It should be smooth. Chill for 1 hour in the fridge and serve =9
It taste nicer when it's chilled! 

How to take it out from cups? 
Use a knife go around the brulee, knock the cup lightly, cover cup with dessert plate & reverse to let it slide out!  

 That's mine Creme Caramel ❤

**Need reference? Watch the following video as a guide =) 

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