Thursday, 27 December 2012

唐人焦糖炖蛋 Chinese Creme Caramel

唐人焦糖炖蛋 aka Chinese Creme Caramel 
A tasty, smooth and mild sweetness Chinese dessert made from the simplest ingredient.There is great demand in Hong Kong but not Malaysia. This is why it's quite hard getting in Malaysia food store unless you are in states that have majority of Chinese population such as Ipoh.

But, you can always DIY at home.
Get ingredients needed in a grocery store nearby and enjoy without paying expensive bill! I believe some of you might confuse between Chinese Creme Caramel & French Creme Brulee. Well, there are really little difference between Chinese Creme Caramel Vs. French Creme Brulee. 

Chinese Creme Caramel that we are making is without using creme while french creme brulee include thick creme in its “brulee” (french) = pudding. Besides, most of caramel used in Chinese Creme are not burned. 

Pictures bellow shows differences between Chinese Creme Caramel (above) Vs French Creme Brulee (bellow). See the difference? =)

Let's begin:

The body
500 ml Fresh Milk
80 g Castor Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla essence 
5 large eggs
some butter apply on the cups 

The Top
100 gram of sugar
3 tsp of hot water

  • Star with the body. Pour milk & castor sugar into a pan and put under low heat until you see small bubbles appear at side of the pan.

  • Turn off the heat and stir a little of milk sugar mixture.Then pour vanilla essence into it, stir until combine. Put aside and let it cold
  • Prepare a wok with tap water and place a steel tray above the water for pot-roasting later. Turn high heat until boil and turn into low heat when it's boiled . Remember to place a little tap water (around 200 ml) onto the tray.   

  • In another bowl, prepare 5 eggs and beat until fluffy

  • Add  cooked milk-sugar mixture into the fluffy eggs little by little to avoid from eggs being cooked! Stir at the same time.

  • Filter 3 times eggs-milk mixture slowly by using a wire mesh to filter out unnecessary bubbles.
  • Prepare your desire cups and apply little butter around the inner wall.

  • Caramel making. Pour castor sugar and water into a pot with low heat. Cooked until sugar dissolve and turn brown colour. Keep turning in circular motion for the whole process. Do not use anything to stir the sugar! 
  • When sugar dissolvent starts turning into light brown, switch off heat . 
  • Pour a little caramel into each cup. Turn each cup in circular motion to make sure caramel fully stick against the bottom inner wall.

  • Pour in egg-milk mixture into each cup and cover with aluminium foil.

  • Locate each cup neatly onto the steel tray prepared in the wok earlier. Cover wok and  cook low heat for 10 mins. 
It should be smooth. Chill for 1 hour in the fridge and serve =9
It taste nicer when it's chilled! 

How to take it out from cups? 
Use a knife go around the brulee, knock the cup lightly, cover cup with dessert plate & reverse to let it slide out!  

 That's mine Creme Caramel ❤

**Need reference? Watch the following video as a guide =) 

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Cooking Rice Using Microwave

It's new to Me as in Malaysia, we tend to cook rice by using rice cooker.
I don't have a microwave at home, so i don't really know how to use microwave for the first time.
Thanks to YouTube, i learn a lot from there and microwave is nothing strange to me now!
Using Microwave is simple like one-two-three =B

It's quite suffer when i can't cook my rice from rice cooker when am in UK for studying. 
There are some common ways that can cook rice. 
First of all is using pan, rice cooker or microwave.

Using pan is so time consuming and you have to look after for the heat to prevent overcooked. Rice cooker is the good but i don't really have to buy a new rice cooker in UK as the rice cooker here is not cheap! =/
so, i look ways and learn to use microwave to cook my rice since my hostel provide us one =)

It's really really easy to cook rice using microwave. 
Let me show you how

Ingredient and tools needed:
  1. 3 table spoon of rice (1 person serving)
  2. Bowl/ Microwavable container with cover
  3. Small plate
  4. Microwave
  1.  Prepare 3 tablespoon of rice

2. Next wash rice twice with tap water 
3. Then, fill up the water just cover around 2cm from the rice at the bottom

4. After wash, put into the microwave and cover with a small plate to prevent water spill out. It's good if you have microwavable container with cover. There might be some water spill on the microwave spinning plate.

5. Then set in the timing for 5 mins at the highest heat. (Heat and time might be vary to each microwave, the best advice is check 2 mins in the interval for the first time you cook)

Benefits to use microwave cook rice is that cooked rice won't stick on bowl and it's fast and convenient.
Enjoy your rice =9

Friday, 3 August 2012

Chinese Style Steam Cod Fish 清蒸鳕鱼

I can't remember day that i ate cod fish
I can only taste cod fish when am in restaurant back to Malaysia and it is superb expensive!
Meanwhile i saw cod fish at the market nearby Sheffield town. 2 big chuck for only 4 pound = RM20. For this 2 chunk sell in Malaysia will cost you up to RM60 over.

No doubt, i bought and show my mum through Skype. Lol =D
For better taste, i cook it through steaming by using oven as i don't have a steaming tools with me in UK.

Let's start,
Ingredient needed:
  1. Cod Fish
  2. pinch of salt 
  3. onions
  4. oil
  5. Chinese soy sauce
  6. Aluminium foil 
Get ready the aluminum foil slightly bigger than the fish chunk. 
Locate fish chunk on the aluminium foil and apply a pinch of salt on it, put aside.
Heat up the pan and fry onion with a little bit of oil.
After onion turn golden brown color,pour onto the fish chunk that you have placed on the aluminium foil.
Follow buy 1 tablespoon of chinese soy sauce, that's it!

Now, foil the edges of the aluminium foil to track the moisture while u cook in the oven.
Set the over for 15 minutes at temperature 120.

Let's see how it looks like after cook =)

  Enjoy ❤

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Homemade Fruits Yogurt Maple Crips

Likes Yogurt?? Aim on Diet next month by having Yogurt?? Want to have a quick breakfast or as dessert??
Well, i have a great recipe to share with you here! It's easy as 123 yet FUN =) 

I'm a breakfast person, and I like to have a quick breakfast every morning before i go for my classes in the early morning. Normally, i would have cereal with milk or Cheese Toasts or even just a piece of biscuit. Suddenly, i thought of yogurt! Why not we make our own yogurt with lots of fruits which is full in vitamins by spending within 3 minutes of time to keep you full for 3 to 4 hours? 

However, this depends on each person. Yogurt can keep me full for few hours doesn't means that it can keep you full for few hours.. but you can try or may be adjust the amount that you wanted. Honestly, i quite like frozen yogurt such as Tutti Frutti, J Cool Yogurt, SNO and etc. That is why i thought of this in order to fulfill my desire =9
Alright, the yogurt today will be named as "Homemade Fruits Yogurt Maple Crips".

Let us START!!!

Serving: 1 person
  1. Plain Yogurt
  2. Fruits (You can use any fruits that you prefer!) **i used canned Peach & canned Longan
  3. Raisins ( You can use Dark/ White/ Yellow raisins/ Sultanas/Currants) ** i used Black Raisins
  4. Cereal (TESCO Maple & Pecan Crisp/ Cornflakes/ any cereal) ** i used TESCO Maple & Pecan Crisp

 Plain Yogurt

Canned Longan
Canned Peach

Black Raisins

TESCO Maple & Pecan Crisp

  1. Scoop the amount of plain yogurt that you wanted. I scoop 5 Table spoon of this plain yogurt =)
  2. Now, you can put all your ingredients such as fruits, raisins and Maple & Pecan crips either spring on the yogurt or allocate them side by side as shown in the Picture bellow.
Tips: Don't mix all your ingredients with the yogurt! i will look awful!! ><"

The End-product will be...❤

Try to decorate your yogurt by using as much fruits as possible! Their natural colours will lighten up your appetite! Really! A good beginning, comes from a healthy foods.

Good Luck Guys! =9 

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Malaysia Local Homemade Cake_Chives Cake (韭菜糕)

What is Chives? Look at the picture bellow.. may be you might get some idea?

Well, what i wanted to share with you here is using this Chives to fried a Malaysia local Chives Cake/ Kuih Dau Kucai ( in Malay)/ 韭菜糕 (in Chinese).

This cake can be serve as breakfast or lunch or even dinner! It will only takes a few minutes complete xP  My mum teach me made these cakes since i was small as my great grand ma's farm plants a lot of these Chives =) 

These cakes look similar to fried egg and it tastes nice! Especially when it's still fresh! Crispy yet tasty ^^ You can eat with ketchup or chilies sauce, while i like to eat with Ketchup~ xD 

Let's us look at the picture bellow! that's the one we gonna do.

Now, Let us kick our ass and collect all the ingredients needed.

Serving: 2-3 person
  1. 3 Bundle Chives 
  2. 2 Eggs
  3. Water
  4. 1 medium bowl of wheat flour
  5. 4 cloves of garlic
  6. a bit of Dried shrimp (Optional)

  1. If you are going to use dried shrimp, put all the dried shrimp into a small bowl with water to make it softer.This will easier for us to cut in into small pieces later. (as shown in the picture bellow) After it soak for around 40 Min's, it will started to turn soft, then cut it into small pieces ( view picture bellow).

2.  Now, clean the chives and cut off their roots and then cut all the leaves into small pieces. (as shown in the picture bellow.)

3. Cut the all garlics. 

4. After that, get a BIG Bowl and pour the medium bowl wheat flour into it and then put water. Stir until all the flour dissolve in the water. ( look at the picture bellow) 

** Be careful! Don't over put the water! Just in case your water is outputted, try to balance with the flour again.**

5. Next, pour 2 eggs into the BIG Bowl and stir. 

6. Put all the cut Chives, Dried Shrimp and garlic into this BIG Bowl and stir to make it balance.

7. Finally, use a pan to fried this paste by using a medium fire. Fried until it turn golden brown colour. The procedure is same as what u do when you fried an egg =)

Taaadaaaa❤  Good Luck!

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Healty Eating Lifestyle with Quaker Oats ❤

How i eat Quaker Oats for my dinner?
It's very simple. It will only take you a few seconds =)
 Okay, please allow me straight to the point.

Ingredients that you need
  1. Quaker Instant Oat Meal
  2.  Your own dishes- Mine is Chicken Fungus and Veges

Steps to prepare the Oatmeal
  1. Put 6 to 7 tablespoon of oats into you bowl
  2. Pour heat water according to individual desired 
Tips: If you found that you have over pour the heat water, you can add an 1 tablespoon extra of oats to balance it.

Done =) Let's eat with our dishes of the day.

 Enjoy guys ❤ Thanks for Visiting my page friends.
Please drop down comments, i would like to listen your suggestion

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Vege Soup Misoya

The first ever cooking that i show here is called Chinese Red Mustard/ Red Chan Choy Soup with Misoya.

It is a simple yet tasty for those who prefer a light and sweet veges soup =) Well, this Chinese-Home cook dish can be serve as breakfast, lunch or even dinner.  

Basically, Misoya is a type of noodle which is made from the soybean. That's why i prefer this Misoya than any others noodles. It's a Chinese noodle i think.. You can get it from any Chinese grocery stores, it cost around RM1.90 to RM3.90++ (depends on the brand).

Alright, let me show you what you need in order to cook this noodle.
Ingredients are based on 1 serving, it is show at the pictures bellow.

  1. 2 bundles of Red Chan Choy/ Chinese Red Mustard ( rinsed well and plucked into stems)
  2. 2 table spoon of dried anchovies/ Ikan billis
  3. 4 gloves of garlic (roughly beat on it)
  4. 2 pieces of Misoya
  5. Salt 
  6. 1 egg (optional) - Mine noodle is without egg
  7. 1 medium bowl sized of water

Cooking Steps:
  1. Pour the water, put the garlics and  dried anchovies into a small pot under a large fire until it boils.
  2. Then switch into a small fire and let it bowl slowly until the water turn milky.
  3. Next, put all the veges into it and cook until it's soft
  4. Add salt until your desired taste is achieve
  5. Put 2 pieces of Misoya into it until it's soft
  6. Add an egg (optional)
  7. Switch off the fire and ready to EAT! 

  1. Don't let it boil too long after you have putted the veges into the soup, it will turn yellowish!
Done =)

Enjoy your noodle. My recipe here is not a professional way but it's through my lesson that i learn from my mum. I wish my cookbook really work. 

Thanks for Visiting my page friends ❤ 
Please drop down comments, i would like to listen your suggestion.